Video: What is Co-Op Advertising?

Co-op advertising presents a huge digital opportunity for local SMBs that carry national brands. With more than 4,500 digital co-op programs available in the US, local retailers have access to essentially “free money.”

Ad sales reps who leverage co-op can upsell existing advertisers to more easily achieve their digital goals while helping advertisers grow their local exposure.

In this video, learn more about how co-op advertising works, including common requirements and verticals, and why local retailers should take advantage.

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3 Steps to Holiday Themed Ads – Win More End of the Year Business

Thunder Creative Management Platform Ad Examples

With the holidays right around the corner, advertisers are busy preparing for the biggest shopping season of the year. Retail holiday sales are projected to increase by 5.7% this year—the biggest jump in sales since 2011.

The next few months presents a huge opportunity for advertisers to capture new customers and increase their brand awareness amongst existing customers. According to, nearly 80 percent of shoppers engage with brands and retailers through digital channels before setting foot inside a store, which means that digital advertising will be essential for advertisers to generate sales and to stay ahead of the competition.

Incorporating holiday-related themes, keywords, and imagery in your advertiser’s display campaigns will make their busiest retail season both successful and jolly.

To help your advertisers maximize the festive shopping season, here are three easy ways to add a holiday twist to digital display ads.

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