Call for Advertising Industry to Protect Consumer Privacy, Provide Ad Transparency, and Secure Publisher Data

Thunder’s mission is to solve bad ads. To that end, Thunder joined the Coalition for Better Ads at the end of 2017. Now, Thunder is calling for the industry to go beyond just higher standards for creative. Thunder wants to put in place stronger protection for consumers and publishers while also providing greater transparency for advertisers.

Thunder had the recent honor of guest writing in the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) on what Cambridge Analytica taught the ad industry about what consumers expect and what publishers will need to do going forward. In this column, Thunder CEO also touches on how advertisers can work with these groups to ensure a better Internet where only effective, non-intrusive advertising rules. Here’s an excerpt:

Ultimately, everyone has to give a little something to get much more in return. Moving advertising to an anonymized ID tied to ad exposure will benefit the entire internet. Consumers will get better advertising and privacy, publishers will remove their liability and data leakage, and advertisers will gain transparency into their advertising.